Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund has launched Century SIP, a unique systematic investment plan offering an opportunity to create wealth with as little as Rs 1000 per month plus a life insurance cover of up to 100 times the monthly installment. This plan comes along with free term insurance for an individual up to 55 years of age. The life insurance cover comes at no extra cost to the investor. The cover is hassle free. The investor need not go thru any medial test to avail of the life cover. All an investor needs to do is enroll for CSIP & sign a “Declaration of Good Health”. In case of unfortunate demise of investor the insurance claim will be directly paid to the nominee by the insurance company (Birla Sun Life Insurance Company). Announcing the launch of Century SIP, Anil Kumar, CEO, Birla Sun Life MF said, “This offering touches all aspects of an investor’s financial planning needs. We wish to encourage the investment habit among investors by providing them life insurance cover.” Ins...