Franklin Templeton Investments (India), has announced its eleventh dividend of 60% (i.e. Rs 6 per unit on Face Value of Rs.10), in its open end diversified equity fund - Franklin India Prima Fund. All investors registered in the Dividend Plan as on June 18, 2008 will receive this dividend. (Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of the fund would fall to the extent of payout).
The record date for the dividend is June 18, 2008 and any purchases on or before this date will be eligible for the dividend. There will be a one-day book closure for the growth and dividend plans on June 19, 2008 and will reopen for fresh purchases and redemptions on June 20, 2008. Under the dividend reinvestment plan, the dividend declared will be reinvested at the NAV of June 20, 2008 and unit holders will be allotted additional units for the dividend amount.
Franklin India Prima Fund was launched in December 1993, and currently manages over Rs.1019 crores of assets for over 143,500 investors. The scheme seeks to provide investors medium to long term capital appreciation as a primary objective and income as a secondary objective.
The last dividend announced by the scheme was of 60% in July 2007. Over the last one year, Franklin India Prima Fund has yielded negative return of 11% as compared to 5.17% given by its benchmark S&P CNX 500 as on June 11, 2008.
The record date for the dividend is June 18, 2008 and any purchases on or before this date will be eligible for the dividend. There will be a one-day book closure for the growth and dividend plans on June 19, 2008 and will reopen for fresh purchases and redemptions on June 20, 2008. Under the dividend reinvestment plan, the dividend declared will be reinvested at the NAV of June 20, 2008 and unit holders will be allotted additional units for the dividend amount.
Franklin India Prima Fund was launched in December 1993, and currently manages over Rs.1019 crores of assets for over 143,500 investors. The scheme seeks to provide investors medium to long term capital appreciation as a primary objective and income as a secondary objective.
The last dividend announced by the scheme was of 60% in July 2007. Over the last one year, Franklin India Prima Fund has yielded negative return of 11% as compared to 5.17% given by its benchmark S&P CNX 500 as on June 11, 2008.